Friday, November 24, 2006


Almost one month since I came back from my trip.
Sekarang, udah kepengen jalan-jalan lagi....
Emak gua aja bilang, gua gila..
menurut gue: gua cuma ketagihan hahahahah

Tahun depan, kalo jadi sih kepengen ke NZ nengok si nope;
Terus, planned: Backpacking trip lagi ke Sumbawa and Flores, barang 10 hari - 2 minggu gitu..
Kebetulan tahun depan juga mau keluar LP-Indonesia, edisi januari 2007. Mungkin gua bakal beli juga buat panduan.....

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What the hell?

Does Hell, as a place where people have sinned are tortured for the whole eternity, really exist?

Actually my doubt does not really started only now, but after my conversation with debbie tonight, hmm actually she said something very interesting. Average age of life is around 60-65 years old, and for the first 5 years we did not really understand the concept of sin, so we could hardly be called "to have comitted sin" during that period. 60 years left. Of course we can not sin for those whole 60 years.. Let's call for a 50% of those period, we have sinned. Of course we must have done many good things too, right? another 50%? OK, it's 15 years of sins accumulated.
So, for that 15 years of sins, we have to spend the whole eternity in punishment, tortured, burnt.. Does it make sense???

OK, some religions would say, it would, may not be logical, but hey, you can't confront faith with logical..
**Yeah, right**
But what happened to the full of love God? Is he transforming into a strict, mathematical based judge? That's why he's called just? Rome catholic church would then say that it's the mystery of God, and our mind is just too limited to be able to reach even 1% of God wisdoms.

Honestly, I don't really believe that hell does exist.

All the concept of Hell, FROM ALL RELIGIONS, is a place of PHYSICAL torture, well bad news, for eternity. But it's all physical. And sensations of pain is somehow controlled by the brain. If we're dead, our souls will be tortured, but it's always physical. You got burnt, cut your tongue off when you talked bad too much about other people, cut your hands off if you stole, etc etc etc. However, what is worse than emotional torture? The feeling of lost, of despair, of everything bad. Everything we have gone through....

What is more hell than this our own world where we're living now?

We are born like a white blank paper, but we die like a full novel.... When we die, we bring all our values, believes, our thoughts with our soul.. They don't just vanish and disappear..

I have read some stories about people having a short journey after life before they were brought back to life.
Moslems would say that they saw all the things they believe as their faith, they see big arabic characters of Allah, a man that you couldn't see the face;
Christians would say that they saw Jesus. Catholics have more immagination, they also see, other than Jesus, Mary, St. Peter, the angels, etc.;
Buddhists would say that they saw the Buddha himself;
Taoist saw the Judge Bao, and before that, the guards in black and white robe with long tongue.

Which one is true?
All are.
Because it's what they believe to be true when they are alive. When one dies that's what he would see.

If I dont believe in any, what would I see when I die????

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Upset stomach

Udah 2 hari gak masuk kantor gara2 ke belakang terus dari hari jumat subuh...
gak tau sih sebabnya kenapa... Apa karena salmon sashimi yang gua makan hari kamis kemarin ama ijoy di sushi tei? Biasanya sih enggak apa-apa...
Anyway jumat sempet masuk kantor setengah hari karena ada 1 paspor yang udah utang sama orang.. kalo gak masuk, kagak ada yang bisa diandalkan, sedangkan orangnya harus terima itu paspor secepatya (kalau gak, bakalan kena overstay)..
Terus pulang, tidur seharian (badan udah panas),.. sabtu udah mendingan, minggu mendingan juga dikit (siangnya ada kawinan christian), tapi malamnya, tengah malam kumat lagi... gawwat deh

Besok masuk kerja lagi deh setelah istirahat 2 hari...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Il Minciarelli

Semalem ada acara di hotel Mulia yang ngadain Uff. Militare di Kedutaan. Jam 7 lewat gua nyampe and langsung shock begitu selesai salaman say hi ama si komandan... Pasti muka gua jg bengong bego gitu deh. Di depan gua ada Professor Minciarelli ama istrinya, Prof.ssa Moretti lagi berbincang2 ama duta... Gua cuma bisa bilang sambil shock, "non ci credo, non ci credo...."

Terus duta memperkenalkan gua and well, gua terus terang gak tau and gak ngikutin dia ngomong apa lagi soalnya gua blank... Mungkin duta mikir, "sial gua dicuekin", tapi emang bener2 gua shocked..........

Anyway si Prof ini dulu dosen gua selama 6 bulan waktu level 5 di perugia. Sekarang sih udah pensiun sejak tahun lalu..
Berkesan banget ini si professor karena emang asli jago banget ngajarnya. Pendekatan dia ke murid-muridnya juga asik, gak terlalu serius, santai tapi apa yang mau dia sampaikan bener-bener sampai ke murid-muridnya.
Yang paling top dari dia itu adalah cara dia bacain teks cerita. Kan dia sering ambil teks dari novel mana gitu sesukanya dia, terus ambil paling 3 paragraf buat dianalisa. Sebelum kita mulai analisanya, pasti dia bacain dulu dan di saat dia baca itulah, setiap kali, kita seperti tersihir oleh gaya berceritanya dia dan masuk ke dalam secuplik teks yang dia baca itu....
Sepertinya kita, murid-muridnya selalu menunggu-nunggu saat dia baca cerita....


Sebaliknya dengan istrinya, Prof.ssa Moretti yang ngajar Letteratura.. huhuhuhuh susah.
Mungkin cara pembawaannya kali yah..? Gua tau dia bawain bahan dengan penuh entusiasme, semangat dan kecintaan terhadap materi, tapi emang gua yang ndablek terhadap letteratura.. gak berminat.

The weakness of Indonesian education system?