Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ada dech

Hey, apa kabar nih? Lagi di mana?
Ada dech........

Gak tau, tapi gua tuh paling gondok and bete kalo ada orang ditanya baek2, eeehhh malah jawabnya "ada dech"..
Mungkin maksudnya becanda, tapi sumpeh, becandanya gak lucu, garing dan gak mutu.......
Buat gua "ada dech" itu sama kayak jawab "why do you care?" or "why do you want to know?"
istilah jaman sekarang, bikin ill feel (or ilfil?)
better jawab,"i can't answer now" or gak usah jawab aja sekalian....

anyway, itu sekelumit kebetean terakhir...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday Evening Sickness

Minggu malam jam 23.30..
Gak kepengen senen, lagi males kerja..
So bete...
Bolos? Haiya tak bisa.......

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Berbagi Suami

Di tengah2 hiruk pikuk isu poligami yang lagi hangat di tanah air, Berbagi Suami yang discreening hari ini (gratis), menyentil dengan sangat telak dengan caranya bertutur...
Di beberapa kali film disinggung, "daripada zinah, dilarang agama dan berdosa, mendingan menikah lagi". Lagi-lagi justifikasi sekaligus gambaran umum pola pikir sebagian besar masyarakat saat ini. Sindirannya top banget....

Tapi yang jelas, film ini memang bagus! Menyindir dengan tajam, tapi menghibur. Yang menonton juga banyak yang tertawa. Well, mungkin ada juga yang tersindir, tapi kayaknya mereka tidak mengeluarkan suara apa-apa selama pertunjukkan berlangsung hahahahha..

Jajang C Noer dengan aktingnya juga memukau banget. Ekspresinya kaku banget, tapi menunjukkan banget bahwa kekakuan itu adlah akibat dia mencoba untuk tegar, tabah ("kuat karena bersandar pada nilai-nilai agamanya"), tapi rapuh dan tetap seorang wanita didalam. Diperkuat juga dengan narasi-narasinya..

Kayaknya sih gak perlu diceritain jalan ceritanya karena pasti di koran, majalah banyak banget diulas. Belom lagi ada kemungkinan bakalan menjadi salah satu film yang masuk nominasi Oscar untuk kategori film berbahasa asing.

Nah, yang berkesan banget buat gua adalah bagaimana si sutradara menggambarkan jalinan 3 cerita itu yang sebenarnya gak berhubungan.
Gua jadi terpekur, sebenarnya kita kontak, interaksi banyak sekali ama orang-orang disekitar kita, langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dari yang kita kenal baik sampai a complete stranger.
Tukang sapu jalan yang tiap hari gua temui waktu jalan kaki ke gym, tukang buka pintu di hotel, resepsionis, tukang taxi... Sadar atau tidak sadar, interaksi dengan orang itu akan merubah hidup kita masing-masing, at least cara pikir kita..

Dunia ini memang sebuah system yang kompleks banget.
Ribet euy..

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Please look at the link...

Buat semua orang yang mau menjadi ayah, sudah jadi ayah, kehilangan ayah, dan lain sebagainya....


Friday, December 08, 2006

Mozart: Great Mass in C minor

Indonesia harus bersyukur dan berterimakasih juga bahwa ditengah belantara musik klasik dengan orkestra-orkestra karbitannya, masih ada Capella Amadeus (Grace Sudargo).
Dengan idealismenya memang membuktikan ini orkes kamar yang bagus, punya karakter dan kemampuan, gak cuma orkes dengan anggota yang jadi anggota sekaligus 3-5 orkes lain (dengan alasan perut)..

Hari ini gue pergi nonton Konser the Great Mass in Cminor-nya Mozart. Dikenal sebagai salah satu dari 3 karya misa yang paling sempurna di dunia permusik-klasikan (selain Missa Solemnis-nya Beethoven dan Messe h-moll-nya Bach), tingkat kesulitannya gak kira-kira...
Dibuka dengan 2 piece dari Exsultate Jubilate (ditutup dengan c3 bagian alleluja), lalu 3 quartet piece dari Requiemnya Mozart. Kesan gue: Benedictusnya ngebut...!!
Anyway, Capella Amadeus top banget!! Bau mozartnya keluar banget dari setiap gesekan biolanya dan tercium di mana-mana....

Sejujurnya, belom pernah denger orkes (kamar ataupun simphony) di Indonesia yang bisa main seperti itu.. jangan dibandingin ama nusantara chamber, Twilight, apalagi orkes kamar pimpinan avip priatna. Avip priatnanya sih ok, tapi orkesnya maap aja deh...

Anyway, gak usah jelek2in orang deh heheehe.. Lumayan puas nonton konser malam ini, walaupun cuma sendirian hehehhe...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Comro and Misro

Baru tau dalam 30 tahun sejarah hidup gua bahwa nama sebenarnya adalah COMRO bukan comBro..!!!
Comro = Oncom di jero (oncom = yah oncom; di jero = di dalam)
Misro = Amis di jero (amis = manis; di jero = di dalam juga) .....

Infotainment kurang bahan...

Acara infotainment di TV Indonesia adalah salah satu acara dengan rating dan frekwensi yang cukup tinggi. Bayangin aja, satu hari bisa satu stasiun TV nayangin 3 acara infotainment! Konsekuensi langsung dari tingginya frekwensi adalah kebutuhan akan informasi dan bahan berita yang tinggi juga dong.

Mungkin saking kurang bahannya, acara Cek&Ricek hari rabu kemarin menayangkan di salah satu spot acara "gosipnya" seorang artis sinetron belia yang lagi shopping di orchard, singapore.. Sebenarnya sih acara film yang diliput, tapi kayaknya porsi ngikutin si artis masuk shopping mal dan shoppingnya mendapat porsi yang banyak.. Artisnya pas diwawancara juga bukannya mendapat pertanyaan tentang acara perfilman Asean atau Asia gitu tapi malah ngomong, "iya, ini aku sempet2in shopping beli barang-barang bla bla bla.. " kesannya panic shopper..

Kapan yah bangsa ini bisa tambah pinter kalo acaranya bener-bener gak mutu dan gak berniat mendidik?


Monday, December 04, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tadi nemenin bokap ke kondangan salah satu baek dia waktu dia kecil dulu di kampung yang ngawinin anaknya..
Sebenarnya males banget, tapi berhubung gak ada orang yang bisa, gua lah jadinya dikorbankan. Kesel banget juga karena gara-gara ini gua harus batalin janji yang sebenarnya udah gua tunggu-tunggu.. Tapi yah sudahlah, nasib..

Resepsi kawinannya, well, seperti kecenderungan 90% populasi perantauan dari sambas-pemangkat, diadain di restoran Angke, saudara-saudara.
Lengkap dengan tante-tante ngegosip pake bahasa khek, om-om ngerokok brenti, anak kecil lari-lari teriak-teriak. Gak ketinggalan background musiknya, om-om nyanyi lagu cina tahun 70an, thien mi mi dan sekitarnya...
Pengantennya gak bisa lain kecuali mematung dan salaman ama semua tamu yang lewat. Kasian sih sebenarnya kawinan kayak gitu..

Jadi inget chat beberpa waktu lalu ama alex tentang kawinan. kalo nanti kawin (kalo memang kawin), seru banget kalo resepsi/pestanya diadain di uluwatu, tempat glenn pesta itu kemarin.. Modal gede banget, jadi yah memang cuma mimpi aja

Karena kelaperan abis fitnes, begitu sampe gua langsung makan aja.
Sebenarnya makanan di restoran Angke itu enak. Asal jangan makannya di menu buffet resepsi orang cina kalimantan kawin aja: soun goreng, ikan asam manis, ayam goreng kering, baso ikan kuah, ama rujak. Gak ketinggalan kerupuk hahahhahaha

Males banget ke resepsi kawinan karena semua sodara dengan semangatnya akan bertanya, "hiong, kapan nih gilirannya?? adeknya udah semua tuh, udah punya anak lagi, mau nunggu ampe kapan?"

Kenapa sih mereka gak ngurusin hidup mereka sendiri yang belom tentu lebih beres dari hidup gua?

hhhh menghela napas saja...

Friday, November 24, 2006


Almost one month since I came back from my trip.
Sekarang, udah kepengen jalan-jalan lagi....
Emak gua aja bilang, gua gila..
menurut gue: gua cuma ketagihan hahahahah

Tahun depan, kalo jadi sih kepengen ke NZ nengok si nope;
Terus, planned: Backpacking trip lagi ke Sumbawa and Flores, barang 10 hari - 2 minggu gitu..
Kebetulan tahun depan juga mau keluar LP-Indonesia, edisi januari 2007. Mungkin gua bakal beli juga buat panduan.....

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What the hell?

Does Hell, as a place where people have sinned are tortured for the whole eternity, really exist?

Actually my doubt does not really started only now, but after my conversation with debbie tonight, hmm actually she said something very interesting. Average age of life is around 60-65 years old, and for the first 5 years we did not really understand the concept of sin, so we could hardly be called "to have comitted sin" during that period. 60 years left. Of course we can not sin for those whole 60 years.. Let's call for a 50% of those period, we have sinned. Of course we must have done many good things too, right? another 50%? OK, it's 15 years of sins accumulated.
So, for that 15 years of sins, we have to spend the whole eternity in punishment, tortured, burnt.. Does it make sense???

OK, some religions would say, it would, may not be logical, but hey, you can't confront faith with logical..
**Yeah, right**
But what happened to the full of love God? Is he transforming into a strict, mathematical based judge? That's why he's called just? Rome catholic church would then say that it's the mystery of God, and our mind is just too limited to be able to reach even 1% of God wisdoms.

Honestly, I don't really believe that hell does exist.

All the concept of Hell, FROM ALL RELIGIONS, is a place of PHYSICAL torture, well bad news, for eternity. But it's all physical. And sensations of pain is somehow controlled by the brain. If we're dead, our souls will be tortured, but it's always physical. You got burnt, cut your tongue off when you talked bad too much about other people, cut your hands off if you stole, etc etc etc. However, what is worse than emotional torture? The feeling of lost, of despair, of everything bad. Everything we have gone through....

What is more hell than this our own world where we're living now?

We are born like a white blank paper, but we die like a full novel.... When we die, we bring all our values, believes, our thoughts with our soul.. They don't just vanish and disappear..

I have read some stories about people having a short journey after life before they were brought back to life.
Moslems would say that they saw all the things they believe as their faith, they see big arabic characters of Allah, a man that you couldn't see the face;
Christians would say that they saw Jesus. Catholics have more immagination, they also see, other than Jesus, Mary, St. Peter, the angels, etc.;
Buddhists would say that they saw the Buddha himself;
Taoist saw the Judge Bao, and before that, the guards in black and white robe with long tongue.

Which one is true?
All are.
Because it's what they believe to be true when they are alive. When one dies that's what he would see.

If I dont believe in any, what would I see when I die????

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Upset stomach

Udah 2 hari gak masuk kantor gara2 ke belakang terus dari hari jumat subuh...
gak tau sih sebabnya kenapa... Apa karena salmon sashimi yang gua makan hari kamis kemarin ama ijoy di sushi tei? Biasanya sih enggak apa-apa...
Anyway jumat sempet masuk kantor setengah hari karena ada 1 paspor yang udah utang sama orang.. kalo gak masuk, kagak ada yang bisa diandalkan, sedangkan orangnya harus terima itu paspor secepatya (kalau gak, bakalan kena overstay)..
Terus pulang, tidur seharian (badan udah panas),.. sabtu udah mendingan, minggu mendingan juga dikit (siangnya ada kawinan christian), tapi malamnya, tengah malam kumat lagi... gawwat deh

Besok masuk kerja lagi deh setelah istirahat 2 hari...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Il Minciarelli

Semalem ada acara di hotel Mulia yang ngadain Uff. Militare di Kedutaan. Jam 7 lewat gua nyampe and langsung shock begitu selesai salaman say hi ama si komandan... Pasti muka gua jg bengong bego gitu deh. Di depan gua ada Professor Minciarelli ama istrinya, Prof.ssa Moretti lagi berbincang2 ama duta... Gua cuma bisa bilang sambil shock, "non ci credo, non ci credo...."

Terus duta memperkenalkan gua and well, gua terus terang gak tau and gak ngikutin dia ngomong apa lagi soalnya gua blank... Mungkin duta mikir, "sial gua dicuekin", tapi emang bener2 gua shocked..........

Anyway si Prof ini dulu dosen gua selama 6 bulan waktu level 5 di perugia. Sekarang sih udah pensiun sejak tahun lalu..
Berkesan banget ini si professor karena emang asli jago banget ngajarnya. Pendekatan dia ke murid-muridnya juga asik, gak terlalu serius, santai tapi apa yang mau dia sampaikan bener-bener sampai ke murid-muridnya.
Yang paling top dari dia itu adalah cara dia bacain teks cerita. Kan dia sering ambil teks dari novel mana gitu sesukanya dia, terus ambil paling 3 paragraf buat dianalisa. Sebelum kita mulai analisanya, pasti dia bacain dulu dan di saat dia baca itulah, setiap kali, kita seperti tersihir oleh gaya berceritanya dia dan masuk ke dalam secuplik teks yang dia baca itu....
Sepertinya kita, murid-muridnya selalu menunggu-nunggu saat dia baca cerita....


Sebaliknya dengan istrinya, Prof.ssa Moretti yang ngajar Letteratura.. huhuhuhuh susah.
Mungkin cara pembawaannya kali yah..? Gua tau dia bawain bahan dengan penuh entusiasme, semangat dan kecintaan terhadap materi, tapi emang gua yang ndablek terhadap letteratura.. gak berminat.

The weakness of Indonesian education system?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Back home

Three days in Singapore now. Arrived on the 27 from Bangkok where I stayed only one night in a little cheap hotel in Khao San area (450baht for single room with A/C and hot shower). I wanted to go to chinatown but all taxi that I asked didn't want to .. traffic they said. So, I opted for a better, faster, and lot cheaper way: boat...

Arrived in chinatown, it was surely trafficked! Found out later that they were holding a buddhist ceremony with dragon, barongsai and parade of people with incense..
After that I went to had some massage for my feet after the trekking in chiang mai. It was ok, but I think somehow in indonesia we have also good and better massage..

The Gallery Hotel (www.galleryhotel.com.sg) is a really nice hotel, but unfortunately quite a problem with public transport.. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my stay here. I was thinking of spoiling myself at the end of trip before heading home and I really have :)
Met up with Kwang, Lawrence and the gang (which I had met in Bangkok) and going out with some friends of them. Well, I did some shopping also in Orchard, and I was really surprised hearing more people speaking indonesian than sing-lish... A salesgirl in the giordano told me that sometimes some Indonesian bought like a hundred (hyperbolic maybe??) t-shirt and re-sell them in Indonesia....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Trekking again!

I started my trip with a day trip in Luang Prabang which was a really enjoyable and good one. At the end of my trip, I signed up for another trip to the northern Thailand too and it was not a bad one either. It's a two-days trip with sleeping in a tribe village.

There were 7 people on this trip (not 4 like the first one), me, two american ladies and 4 french. Before going to the track, we stopped by a market in case someone need something. I bought a bag of steamed peanuts and some boiled sweet potatoes (ubi rebus) and continued to the elephant ride :-). There were actually a lot of them, and two of us would take one elephant for the ride. It was great! My elephant's called "noi" and she was a young elephant, full of powers and liked to speed up :-) so we would actually pass other elephants who were slow. Noi actually finished the peanut and I bought also 20baht of banana and gave them to her. At first I thought that it'd be such a pity for them having us on her back. But at the end I think she (they) actually enjoyed it.. Well, no confirmation provided for that :-)

Anyway, we then went to a short lunch (fried rice) and started the trek.. It was quite long actually, around 2 hours before we arrived at the waterfall. BIG ONE!.. the water was really cold and the current was strong.. we didn't do much of swimming though we would've loved to, and we just hung around a big rock where we could have a grip.. The current was just too strong and dangerous. After that, another 1.5 hours trek and we arrived at the Karen Village. The trip itself was a really good one, with all walking in the middle of the jungle, fresh air..

It was already a bit dark (around 6pm) and so we arranged our things, and just resting there. After a while, they served the dinner (rice, vegetables, potates with chicken in coconut milk, and cucumber soup) and it was really good considering all the trek we have done today.
Later on, the guide (we had two, Nu who walked in front of us and eddy-behind), Nu offered a card games while bringing along a bottle of chiang mai rice wines. hmmm...
Well, in short, I ended up being the one who lost the most, and got a little bit drunk and face covered with black ashes hahahha..
But it was so enjoyable and we continued to chat a bit in front of the fire with sky filled with stars. Lots lots lots of them. Haven't seen so many stars in quite a long time... It was quite a funny conversation though, Gioelle was talking to barbara in french as she didn't speak english and barbara would laugh a bit and at the end said, "Ooh, I wish I could understand you.."
But Silver and Ellen (the girlfriend), and giolle's sister, Christine, spoke english. They even taught me a bit of french, which was cool!..

Spending the night (surprisingly without mosquito!) altogether in a 1 room wooden house with no electricity, only mosquito net and a blanket. I couldn't really sleep well actually, not because that it's a bad place to sleep but because it was TOO cold!.. I had my body covered with 2 blankets but my nose was freezing........
I woke up in the morning at 6.45. Tina was already awoke and we just waited there until they served the breakfast at 8.30. We just didn't know what to do! hahahahhaha....

At 9.30 we hit the road once again and this time we're heading for the better waterfall in which we could swim. Stopped by a school where we played a bit of sepak takraw (my first!) and at around 11 o'clock we arrived.. Such a nice place! Water is cool of course, but calm and not deep and we actually had a natural water massage under the waterfall!! NICE!!!!!...

To make it short, we then took another trekking. This time was harder as we were all hungry!!! Made it finally at the end and had a pad-thai for lunch. Not very nice..
Then there we went to the 1 hour bambo rafting on the river. Can't describe how fun it was!.....

At night we also promised to meet up to have some dinner and we took the opportunity to taste the Chiang Mai's signature dish: Khuay Soi. It's a egg-noodle with chicken in curry. When I arrived actually I had also a taste of the same noodle but from different food stall, and this one that I had tonight was just divine, a real treat, 25baht.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Bangkok, spending one night and the day after, to Singapore!
Holiday is ending...!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Chiang Mai - Thailand

In Chiang Mai now, arriving this afternoon at 2.30 with flight Thai Airways from Bangkok. Having spent one night in bangkok resting after the 10 hours disastrous trip from Siem Reap to the border with Thai, this morning I felt already a bit freshened up. Actually I didnt have a place to sleep yet but Lawrence (a friend from Singapore) was happened to be in bangkok with his friends and he said I can share one room with one of his friends (he already had a friend with him).

The road trip from Siem Reap was really a unforgettable one.. The trip would take approximately 2.5 hours normally but last time we did it in 5 hours due to the heavy flooding along the way... We saw trucks (big, heavy trucks) in the middle of the road with the whole rear wheel hopelessly stucked in the mud.. there were around 7-8 points where the road was flooded. The taxi that we took from Siem Reap didn't want to risk the trip and had us boarded a kind of small tractor (which turned out to be the best way to go through the mud. The driver was going with us too until we met his counterparts that would eventually take us to the Poiphet border. This explains why we had to pay US$60 for the taxi, we had had to use 2!...

Anyway, is good in Chiang Mai. Nice, cool air with not too much traffic. I stayed in the Lanna Thai Guesthouse (280baht, room with fan) with 1 minute walk to the infamous night bazaar.. Things are said to be cheaper in chiang mai than bangkok, so I think I would check some things out... The food is also nice.

One thing that surprised me is the large tio ciu community in chiang mai. In the food market (open air) I heard sellers talking to the customers in tio ciu. Not one of them either..

Tomorrow I'm going trekking to the mountains for 2 days and I'll spend one night in a hilltribe village. It's 1500 Baht (not a bad deal)...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Morally Low

It's the third week on my trip, and during this trip never I feel so morally low than now. I don't know exactly why but maybe one of the cause is that I've been "running" in the last week, starting from Saigon all the way here to Siem Reap and that's really tiring...
Moreover, I'm feeling like not having much to do here or to see. Well, yes there's the Angkor Temples but it's nothing new actually for Indonesian. Not only Indonesians, but this morning I met a couple who's living in Indonesia (one is belgium in yogya for years, and another one norwegian in aceh) and we shared the same feeling hahahha ...

They said, "hmm another borobudur?".. But apart from the temple, actually cambodian is really really similar to indonesia.. The people, the landscape, the surroundings, and (somehow) the food, etc which is maybe why I feel kind of bored..It's kinda funny though that I hardly meet ANY indonesian during my trip and here in cambodia I actually meet two foreigners who's living in Indonesian and we were talking in Indonesian.
I've tried ice cream, eating in a nice place to "cure" my tiredness, but only temporarily worked..

Tomorrow morning I'm leaving to Bangkok, already booked the taxi. It's just crazy, because normally taxi to the border cost somewhere like US$35, and this time it's US$60!... The hotel found one taxi and one passenger so I could share it, US$30 each. From the border I could take the bus (1st class which is faster) to the bus station in bangkok, total would cost me like US$50..
Actually there's a flight from Phnom Penh to Bangkok, but it's a morning flight (8 a.m.) and I dont think I want to spend one more night in Phnom Penh again, plus with it's around US$60 for the ticket and another 25 for the airport tax..

Anyway the plan for tonight is to go see the Dr. Beatocello performing free concert of Bach's cello pieces and his own composition. It's free but any donation received will go to the children's hospital here in Siem Reap.

Cambodia is expensive my friend, more expensive than I thought... Vietnam or Laos is much cheaper. Even bangkok..

Looking forward in thailand. Hope Chiang Mai would somehow "cure" me...

Friday, October 20, 2006

Angkor Whaaaaat???????????

The boat trip from Battambang was a pleasant one. Taking 6 hours, we arrived at the pier around 1.30 and was immediately attacked by moto and tuk tuk drivers who literally jump inside the boat and offering their service. I finally got one and went to the hotel which he insisted. I didn't have any hotel actually, so I just went with him, if you dont like it just ask him to take you to another one. He took me to 3 hotels.....
He give the transport free as I also agreed to his service to take me to the temples of Angkor the next day. After bargaining (hard), we agreed on US$13 for the whole day. Later I found out that the rate varies from $9-11..

The one day pass is 20dollars and it's valid for 24 hours. There's a three days pass, 40 dollars.
It's a vast complex of temples actually, which was built during the period from 8-11 A.D., with hinduism style (imagine Prambanan style) though some used as buddhist temples.

There are many ways of visiting, from cars, motobikes, tuk tuk, and actually biking is a very nice way to visit the Angkor temples IF you have the time.

That's one thing that I didn't have. Well, actually I had a motobike driver that drove me there in the morning. But some times before noon my digicam battery was out and so was the spare.. Hmm no chance, had to go back to hotel, charge it and come back around 2 pm. But instead of going with the motobike, I was really curious about the biking thing. So, there I went at 3 pm and try to take some pictures I missed during the day.
Now, it's 6 km from Siem Reap to the temples complex and following a little plan, there were 17km altogether, covering Angkor Watt, Bayon, and the Ta Phrom, before circling back to Angkor Wat. It was already 6 pm when I got out of the Ta Phrom (THE temple which was used as the setting for Tomb Raider).

So, it was almost dark, the road was ok though but on the left and right side : Trees and darkness. After 15 minutes pedalling, it was completely dark. Thank God I wasn't alone, but there sometimes other motorbike passing, or coming from the other side, sometimes another biker from the opposite direction.
I could felt the bugs flying and hitting my face as I rushed as fast as I could to at least reach the Angkor Wat complex..

I made it finally, arriving in hotel at 7 pm, with numb butt.......

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

And the journey continues....

OK now,
today in Battambang (spelled Battembong), just arrived like an hour ago. A not too big city. Just transiting anyway before taking the boat tomorrow morning to Siem Reap...

I think, the 2 day I spent in Phnom Penh were enough, as I have done all the walking around city (from 9.30 - 15.00ca).. Felt like broken legs! hahahahhahaha...
The day started with a visit to the Genocide Museum just in front of the Boddhi Tree (a very nice place to hang out, staff are very friendly. They even shared the story about: local girl 10.000riel, vietnam 5dollars!!!).

Anyway, The museum is, well, very depressing.... It's a building (used to be a school, but then changed to a prison) where the Pol Pot regime tortured and imprisoned almost 20.000 cambodian, men, women, children, babies before eliminating them, between 1975-1979). To take a peek: http://www.tuolsleng.com/
The local said that Pol Pot killed all people who were smart, educated in order to have an absolute control of the country.

As normally a school building, there aare (class) rooms, and inside each room are boards with pictures of faces of the people imprisoned with their eyes just looked right into you. At the entrance of the wall were signed "no laughing". How could you laugh? It's too depressing. Some were painting on how the regime tortured and murdered the people in the Killing Field. Actually I wanted to go to the Killing Field museum, but after this visit to the school, I changed my mind. It'd be just too depressing........
Although I might look for the dvd in Jakarta of the american movie the killing field....

Then I took a walk to the Palace, the Silver Pagoda. Actually it's called silver pagoda because the floor temple was covered with pure silver, while local people call it the Emerald Buddha Pagoda as it houses an emerald buddha (not too big), and a standing buddha covered in gold and thousands of diamonds......!!!!!!
Too bad it's forbidden to take photographs in the temple...

Well, Cambodia in general looks very much like Indonesia 10 years ago... the people, on the contrary, looks 100% like indonesians! except that they speaks another language :-).. some words are similar though, Psar is pasar in indonesian, bobor is bubur.

This morning, my clothes that I left to laundry yesterday morning were still half wet. I couldn't do anything since they delivered it at 7.30 this morning. So, how my balcony in the hotel has my clothes hanging hahahha.. FOr this balcony, A/C and hot water, it's US$12/night...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Phnom Penh


Finally, in Phnom Penh, after more than 24 hours on the trip.
Actually it was a real mess and disaster about this trip. Back in Saigon when I was having my breakfast at 7 o'clock, there was already a girl from Delta Adv rushing me to finish my breakfast as the groups were waiting, no problem though, as I was already quite finish.
Anyway in the tour office, I was told by the manager that I was the only one signed for the 2 day trip to Phnom Penh and the lady just told me to take the 3 days tour. I was so angry because she was rushing everything which left me somehow unable to think clearly. So at the end I yelled at here saying the she could've told me yesterday and not this morning rushing someone in his breakfast and then pushed to take the 3 days tour. I said I didn't have the time and there's no way I'm taking the 3 days tour. I mean she could've simply said that I was the only one signed for the tour and they're not doing it. Anyway, finally I took off with the group that's going for the 3 days tour. This I found out later on the boat..
So, the program was that I joined the 3 days tour for the 1st day and for the 2nd day to Phnom Penh I would be "transferred" to another 3 days trip that left the day earlier. ok now, the Mekong Delta Tour was not exactly a bad trip, it's ok, they took us to see the villages.

When we finished the tour at 6.30 another bus picked me up and took me to Chau Doc, the nearest city to the border. I slept in a guesthouse where the next morning another guide would take me and join the other group.

The last part of the trip, from Chau Doc to the border is a 3 hours trip, starting with some visits to the fishing village, Cham-moslem village.
Finally we arrived at the border and the guide took care of everything. She gathered all the passports and while we waited at a coffee shop for something to eat, she arranged everything for the exit-stamp. After that, we changed to another boat. Seemed like a company that cooperate with Delta Adventure. It was the capitol tour. The boat was, well, bad. Anyway, a short ride to the Cambodian immigration office which we all got the entry stamp. Later on I found out that my arrival card from Indonesian Immigration was gone. I stapled it in my passport but it wasn't there anymore.
After 2 hours sailing, we reached the so-called bus station, which looked more like a warehouse with buses and cars inside. There was something fishy about this as the guide told us that there are 3 buses that will take us downtown. Apparently, he's kinda selling us the various guesthouses. I don't know but I was even told to stay while the others had to board the bus. Me? waiting alone? in the middle of nowhere? Just no way. So after some arguments they let us all 9 people got in the bus. The situation was that in the bus, there were only 8 seats left, and we were 9. I had to stay? There were a spanish couple, diana and anghel who told me that If I had to stay, they would stay and wait also with me. I appreciated that very much.

The bus ride took 1 hour to get to the city. Hmm crowded, traffic, more cars than Hanoi or Saigon, but not many as Jakarta ;p..
At one guesthouse where they dropped us (in vietnam, they always do this, dropped you any guesthouse they like and get the commission), I saw a young man waving a card with my name on it haa!.. Thank God. Actually it was really that far actually, but it's dark, and new place.

The boddhi tree guesthouse is a little guesthouse that's cozy, with garden where they put chairs, dining table (there's also a restaurant which is quite famous).
I got a single room with bathroom and fan, US$8.

People in Cambodia is very much different from Vietnam. While in vietnam they look more chinese, here is a mix between malay, indian and chinese. It doesn't feel much different from Thailand though.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Short glimpse of Saigon

This morning there's no chance either for a nice breakfast at the back veranda. It was raining..
Strange enough, it stopped at 9.30 as the day before..

Anyway, it's the last day in Hoi An, so after the rain i just took a bike and wandered to the market and had a rice porridge with pork ribs (7000D). Yummmy.....
The best food I've eaten so far in Vietnam..

There's nothing else to do so I wandered along the streets again, stopped by here and there but didn't find anything to buy. At 2 pm, I took the taxi to the airport in Da Nang as Hoi An doesn't have an airport. The flight to HCMC is 1.10', by Pacific Airlines, which is not a bad airline, ontime!.. In the plane I noticed that the aircraft was once used by Lion Airlines from the life jacket demonstrated. Turning my head left and right I saw indonesian writings along with english and vietnamese...

Saigon, they say, was more chaotic than Ha Noi. This might be true, but sure thing is that Saigon (HCMC) is twice the size of Ha Noi. Yes, the same, motobikes everywhere!!!!... From the airport to the downtown (Pham Ngu Lau area, backpackers area) I took a taxi and shared with Rudy, a Dannish guy who is travelling for 4 months now (those scandinavians!!!)... I stayed in Ha Vy hotel, booked from the hotel in Hoi An, a single room, clean, standard with A/C and bathroom, US$10/night. OK lah...
Anyway, I also booked a trip for tomorrow to go to Phnom Penh with boat via the Mekong Delta.

The night life in Saigon actually quite live! A friend of mine took me to a cafe downtown in a modern building, which I had a light culture shock, having been travelling all this time in small, antique city, and now, all of sudden, metropolitan!.. hahahhahah..
But then there's where that sad end was. All bars, clubs, discos must be closed by midnight. Actually my friend took me to a club and at 23.30 all of sudden the music stopped, light turned off and police showing up everywhere.. hmmm disappointed faces everywhere, although they knew this would've happened...

So I went back to the hotel, sleep and preparing for my trip to Phnom Penh via the Mekong Delta.....................

Friday, October 13, 2006

So happy, eating in the market!!

13 Oct 2006
Early in the morning I wake up and it was raining hard!... There goes my chance to experience the breakfast in the beautiful terrace…… So I was just waiting there for the bus to pick me up. At 8 the bus came and all the way we went…
Arriving at 9.30 we then headed for the site of My Son, a ruins of temple from the Kingdom of Cham, dated 7-13 A.D. It was in the middle of jungle, and they were quite not in a good form despite all the restoration project. Maybe they were just buried in the jungle for too long. Not to mention the bombings by the American during Vietnam war in the ‘70s, but the scenery along the way was just amazing.
We finished at 12 o’clock and headed to Hoi An city. Then we took the boat on the way back and was given a little snack of sticky rice. After visited the carpentry village, we arrived at the boat pier of Hoi An near the central market.

I was so hungry then and went straight into the market to find something to eat.
I stopped at a food stall inside the market. In Indonesia we would call it “warung nasi”. It was a small plate of rice and the lady just filled it up with all the vegetables and meat. Feels like home ☺ all for 10.000Dong. With only 3000 Dong left in my wallet I just had to find a bank to change money :p, and then, because the rice was not too much, I stopped by a lady by the street in front of the market selling cao lau. This time it’s just fabulous! Cost only 5.000 Dong!!! There was an old 70 year old granny sitting next to me actually and she was so curious about me, looked Vietnamese but in fact I’m not one. She kept asking me questions in Vietnamese and I responded with a blank and confused look hahahha. The order of the food itself was done in the tarzan language, pointing here, there and smile ☺. The seller understood and there I go, enjoying my delightful noodle of the day.
Suddenly the old lady took a 5000 Dong note out, pointed at my almost empty bowl, and put the money down. “Noo”, I said cause from my understanding she was going the pay for my noodle. How could I? I just could not accept it. I mean, how much would this old granny earn a day? So at the end of my meal, I took my money out, gave it to the seller while showing my 5 finger (“this is 5000, right?”) and pointed my bowl and the old granny’s one. “Two” I said. The old lady shouted, “Noooo..” but then she smiled ☺ and saying “Cam En” which means thank you in Vietnamese. It was so wonderful. That’s why I like to eat at the local market, meeting the people, and they are just too nice persons….
While passing the market, on returning to the hotel, I bought a little snack wrapped in banana leaves. Seemed it was steamed. Hmm curious….
It was some kind of otak otak ☺ but steamed…. 2000 Dong.
So, after moving from blogger then to opera blogs (which I find very strange because comments can only be posted by signed-up members), here I am again. Hopefully this time I'm changing my mind again and that anyone could post a comment.. hahahaha

Thursday, October 12, 2006

In Hoi An now..

12 Oct 2006,

The bus to Hoi An was scheduled to arrive at hotel 7.30. I got up early, with my stuff packed the night before, I was just ready to go. Had some breakfast (they were actually not ready and was preparing the food), bread, banana pancakes and coffee. The receptionist was still there eating her Bun Bo Hue ☺.

I finished before long and just took a short walk in front of the hotel. People were having breakfast also, and I bought a small plastic bag of soya bean milk hehehehe not as sweet as my mom used to make, but nice…
The bus came just when I was in the bathroom, luckily I have finished with my ritual and hopped in the bus, leaving Hue to Hoi An. On the way we stopped at 2 places to take a break. The second stop was at the marble mountain and there were so many people selling little things made from marble. I don’t think they were hand made, though. Well, maybe some of them are, but other bigger things, statue of Kwan Im, Kwan Kong and the lions are just too perfect and all of them too identical..

Hoi An now. Arriving at 12 o’clock, this time I have someone already to pick me up, flashing his card with my name written on it. The guy took me to the hotel on his motorbike. It was a short trip. I’m staying in the Thien Thanh Hotel (www.hoianthienthanhotel.com), US$18/night, and it was a really beautiful hotel. The breakfast is had in the back of the hotel, on a terrace with view of green pond.

After checking in, I booked the tour for tomorrow to My Son (US$5 with bus and boat), and booked the plane ticket to Saigon. I changed my mind to take the train as the plane cost a just little bit more than the train. I took a short walk to the old town to have a little glimpse on what’s this town like. Well, it seemed that it’s better than Huè, people are friendlier and it’s less touristy.

I went to a little restaurant in the old town and tried the Hoi An specialities, the Cao Lau (thick noodle) and also a little dish called the white rose.
It’s similar to ha kau (dim sum) but instead of a shrimp inside, this one has a piece of steamed chopped shrimp. It was good also. One problem is that here in restaurant is too expensive, 15.000 for the cao lau and 25.000 for the white rose. In a restaurant that was recommended by the hotel’s receptionist, the white rose cost only 15.000 and it was more delicious. Anyway, it’s fine.

Then I rented the bicycle from the hotel (10.000Dong) and just strolled along the old town with sun setting down, beautiful...
On the way I bumped into Douglas, Jacklyn and Allan from the Halong Bay trip. Douglas stayed in this spooky, ethnic, old, antique chinese house and has the 2nd storey all for himself. It was actually interesting though, when you open your window, you have a view of the market right in front of it..

It was dark already when I passed the street and lantern sellers were making their items in the house with all the lanterns for sale turned on......

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Massage? Vietnam girls, very beautiful, young......


After what has happened yesterday, today is the day to rest. And I did. Woke up at 9 and took thebreakfast, then go back to sleep ☺. Then managed to write some blogs and uploaded some photos. Opera.com was having some problem with photos.

In the afternoon, around 1 o’clock, I went out to take some breakfast and tried the Cafeteria recommended in the Lonely Planet and ordered the Bun Bo Huè, specialities of Hue. It’s a beef noodle soup with hue style. It was terrible and not good at all. Then I thought that couldn’t be. Local specialities usually are good. So I walked, walked and stopped in a small noodle stall with “Bun Bo Hue” written on its front glass.
It was very delicious. The noodle is the white round one (not like Pho in Hanoi), and it’s very soft (at first I thought it was overcooked), with pieces of beef, big chunk of pork, and some kind of otak-otak (which is very very good), in a the broth. They also served one small plate of veggies, beansprouts, lettuce, and mint leaves (which always gave me a sensation of brushing your teeth after each chewing).
I was really satisfied. Unfortunately it was so good that I only remembered to take the picture of it after I have finished………

Heading back to the hotel I decided to rent a bike. 10.000 Dong. It was a pleasant ride around the city, especially because you’re not hassled by the cyclo drivers. Well, OK, they’re just trying to make their living, but anyway….
Suddenly I then headed to the citadel. Hmm, might be just a good idea. Then I rode and rode. In Vietnam it’s a right side drive, so of course I had problems at first, always riding at the left side hahahha.. Anyway, had to be very careful in redlights as people tend to just go, and for me, extra careful, as I always looked at the left side while I should’ve looked at the right side or vice versa…

Arriving in the citadel, paid the 55.000 Dong entrance tickets (it’s free for the Vietnamese). The citadel is actually a palace complex surrounded a high wall. I think it was constructed modeled on the Forbidden City in China. It should’ve been grandeur, if only the American had not had bombed the major part of it during the Vietnam War ☺.

Anyway, I didn’t spend too much time here and headed back. It was the time around 5 pm and school children were just going out. One of the most beautiful thing to see in Vietnam is their girl student, with white traditional Vietnamese uniform on their bike. So elegant.

At the hotel, I asked the hotel staff if they could recommend the best place to eat their Bun Bo Hue. OK, got it and I walked there. Then happened one of the thing I hated the most. Cyclos coming one after another, all asking the same question: Where are you from? How old are you? Then it’s going the “are you married?” and arriving to “want massage?? Vietnamese girl, very young, very beautiful, long hair”… Pleasee…..

But then, what’s with all this question about married?? How old are you? Are you married? No? Why? The question asked even by hotel’s bell boy, receptionist, up to noodle seller.
Never mind ☺ it’s their culture to have everyone got married.

Tomorrow will have the bus to Hoi An. Packed, and slept……

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hue', The Imperial City of the Past


Arriving in Hue at 8.30 in the morning I joined Gilles and this time met also Douglas, an american working in Tanzania or something.. They have had their hotel arranged also so we were going our own way as they have got someone from the hotel picking up.
Well, my hotel wrote me an email yesterday that they were going to pick me up also... but awaiting 15 minutes, with all the taxi drivers calling up at you, asking the same question over and over again, could really drive you to your limits.
There was a Mr. Pho, owner of a coffee shop across the street. Of course I thought he was just like another guy trying to make some business with me (which is OK, it's how they make their living). Anyway, at the end he helped me a lot. So in return I bought a cup of house-wife made vietnamese coffee (it was good!), and after discovering and remembered the hotel name which I pretended to have forgotten, he actually called the hotel to tell them that they have someone waiting in the train station!!..
5 minutes, the hotel manager himself came on a motorbike (well, it wasn't that far actually, and considering how they drive motorbike in vietnam....). Turned out that they have mistakenly thought that I have already arrived!..
Never mind. He paid the taxi

I stayed at the Orchid Hotel, a fresh brand new hotel. Only 3.5 months old.
But hey, in Hue you could never really out of rooms.. there are hotels, guesthouses everywhere, in every corner..
At 10.30 we (me, Gilles, and Douglas) have already planned to meet up and to go to tour together.
Let's say that we didn't really finish it in one day. Booked the boat for US$12 (that's US$3 each) and we cruised the river on the boatman's boat. He seemed to live there, with his wife and a small baby sleeping in a really nice craddle...

We immediately didn't like the way he's doing his business. On the river, he came and showed us the lunch menu which we have to pay. After bargaining, the price was US$10 for the 3 of us. Not a bad deal actually and when he served it, it was good. Home made cooking. His wife cooked it on the boat while we were sailing. Anyway, the wife had to get off boat to the market to buy our lunch, douglas wanted to go with her. So did we, but the boatman didnt let us. Finally Douglas managed to get into a small boat which carried them to the market. On the boat, the boatman took out some items, statue, post cards, etc etc and tried to sell them to me and Gilles. Now we know why he didn't want to let us go..........

After the shoppers returned we continue our journey. First destination was the Thien Mu Pagoda.
One of the most famous pagoda in vietnam. Really chinese style pagoda. The next stop was supposed to be the Emperor Thu Duc Tomb. Now, he dropped us not really in the nearest boat pier to the Tomb but instead a place from which we HAVE TO take a motorbike. This is not gratis. It's 100.000 Dong each motorbike with driver. Hmmmmmm... After discussed, we were quite angry because we werent told to be like this, that we had had to take another bike etc etc, of which wouldn't have been any problem if they have told us before hand. Then we told the boatman to take us to the Minh Mang Tomb first, then Khai Dinh Tomb. After that, with motorbike to Tu Duc Tomb and just tell the boatman to go home. We just have had enough of him.
Last destination was planned to be the citadel of the Forbidden City of Hue.

Anyway, for the tombs (it's tombs day today), there were really beautiful. Minh Mang is a tomb complex which actually you dont get to see the tomb, but the natural surrounding was just too beautiful. Khai Dinh, on the other hand, was majestic, big, splendour.

Last is the greatest of all Imperial tombs. The Tu Duc, which is actually preceeded those two previous tombs. It was huge, and unfortunately we spent to much time here that we arrived too late in the cittadel. 10 minutes late.
It was a long ride on the motorbike from one tomb to another but it's a good ride in the middle of hills, nature.

For dinner we decided to a bit indulgement, so we picked this restaurant from the Lonely Planet. It was called the Y Thao Garden. Nice place in a house and serve their dishes (set menu only, US$8). One word only: It was marvellous... just perfect to end our day.

Gilles is leaving for Saigon tomorrow in the morning while Douglas in the afternoon.
I'll be staying 2 more nights just to not rushing. Might as well as going to cittadel tomorrow.

Monday, October 09, 2006

5 hours walk around Hanoi

Oct 09.2006

After arriving in the hotel yesterday afternoon, I just took a short rest and headed out once more to see something.
Well, nothing much interesting though.. Went to try the cha ca, fish with noodle. It's Hanoi's specialities. but it was too oily for me, couldn't say I liked it...

This morning instead I have one whole day before 5 pm since the train to Hue is departing at 7 pm sharp.
Well, at 10 I took of, had some chicken porridge by the street. Wonderful, delicious!!!

From there, I went and walked to the Literature Temple, 3km from the Hostel.

The literature temple as quoted in Lonely Planet "Hanoi's peaceful Van Mieu (Temple of Literature) was dedicated to Confucius in 1070 by Emperor Ly Thanh Tong, and later established as an University for the education of mandarins..... In 1484, Emperor Le Thang Tong ordered the establishment of stelae honouring the men who received doctorates in the triennial examinations dating back to 1442. Each of the 82 stelae that stands here is set on a stone tortoise."

I was rather relaxing though in the place. Not really a historical person into temples, musem, history. But it's a nice place, beautifully and well preserved. Wish jakarta has this kind of place too.........

I even saw a show of vietnamese girls dressed in traditional outfit, they were singing vietnamese folk songs I think but it was just beautiful..

Anyway then it rained, so I just sit and waited for the rain to stop....

After that I headed to get myself something to eat. By the street I saw this lady selling noodles. She also looked at me and big smile showing in her face, with an "inviting" eyes language. I was temptated. hahhahah i took a place and just nodded, smile, pointing this and that and smile again hahahhahaha.. All the time she kept talking vietnamese... There were also 2 guests eating and they were all smiling, laughing, on me I think.
It turned out to be the best noodle I've ever eaten in Hanoi... 12.000 dong which is around 6500 rupiah.

After that, I went to the Hoan Kiem Lake, just to pass time and how see things going.. It was already near 4 pm and the weather was really friendly, windy afternoon breeze.. very nice. Everyone sitting by the lake in the chair, talking with friends, with lovers or even alone. And it was enjoyable sitting there...

On my way back to the Hostel, stopped by some places just to sit.. There's one cafe by the lake which is just Gooooooood...... With vietnam coffee, enjoying the wind blowing your face...
At 7pm, the train departed to Hue. It was the Reunification Express train Actually there are buses, planes to go to Hue, but I can't just resist the train. It was a night train with sleepers. I opted for the soft sleepers one, shared the cabin with 3 other young hanoian on business trip to Danang. It was OK, I managed to sleep in spite of all the loud laughing from the australians in the cabin next door..

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Bay of Descending Dragon

Halong Bay - 07.10.2006

After repeated dreams of being left behind by the tour, I did finally managed to wake up, take breakfast, checked out and get to the Handspan tour office on time, with making some stop at the Hanoi’s Hoan Kiem Lake. Hanoi was not as crowded and crazy as the night before, and the lake was beautiful, with people doing taichi and also sitting around. It was a relaxing moment. Now that it’s clear day, it’s easily to spot that French influences are quite strong in the architecture style. Hanoi has also, other than people sitting by the street eating, some baguettes seller by the street.

After registering, we departed at 8.30 with comfortable van and the trip to the boat marina lasted around 3.30 hours. Then here we are departing to the Magnificent bay of Halong. The Dragon Pearl boat (the biggest of its kind) sailed while they served us the lunch on board. The lunch was quality satisfying but quantitatively disappointing. There were just too little. I didn’t really full after the meal. After that we were just relaxing, doing nothing, and enjoying the very beautiful scenery.

Talking about view, Halong bay is a very, very beautiful.. It's one of the Unesco's World Heritage Site in Vietnam and there were like thousands of islands and almost all of them are karst mountain with high peaks majestically standing above an emerald sea..

At 4pm we swam!!! The water was not very cold and overall very good..
Before dinner, we were relaxing again, watching the sunset.. Dinner, as the lunch, was just too little. Maybe it was just me because other people said that there were enough, ok… One special thing about this trip: It was full moon night! We had this bright illuminated sea..
At 11pm we all retired to our cabin….

Friday, October 06, 2006

Didn't know that it was the Moon Cake Festival in Hanoi

I spend the last day in Luang Prabang waking up and took some pictures of the offering ceremonies, and then took the breakfast at the market. Noodle soup again, after noodle soup for dinner the previous night. It was a “vegetarian” one I did not want the inner part of beef of pork with the noodle. Alison took the same.
Then, just relaxing and waiting for check out time at 12.00. At around 10.00 I ate another bowl of (this time) beef noodle. It was damn good! Even better than the last two that I had.
The flight to Vientianne was at 14.40 with Laos Airlines (QV104), arriving in the domestic arrival of Vientianne Airport. The flight was nothing special and the arrival terminal resembled more like a bus terminal than an airport.. From Vientianne to Hanoi using Vietnam Airlines (VN840) departing 17.40, and arriving 1 hour later. Hanoi’s airport seemed new and organized, except for the immigration which took an eternity.
From the Lonely Planet it was written that it’s possible to take the Vietnam Airlines shuttle bus from the airport to the VN office in downtown Hanoi. Well, this one did not bring us there, but somewhere else. They dropped us actually in front of the hotel and we were like immediately surrounded by touts, or better called hotel marketing force to get us to their hotel. After refusing all of them, we continue our walk to the Hanoi Backpackers’ Hostel (U$7/bed). I was walking with Gilles, a young French boy studying in Singapore. It was the moon cake festival night and Hanoi is exploded with people on motorbike. Everywhere. The impressive thing is that there are sometimes 4 of them on the bike, father riding, mother and 2 children. One more thing to add is that the father was holding the steer in one hand and writing sms on the other hand!!
But we made it to the hostel (www.hanoibackpackershostel.com) and checked in, received by Max, wonderful, kind, and professional fellow from Australia. It was a room with 8 beds and 1 bathroom. When everything’s done, the clock was ticking 9pm already. Walked a bit with Gilles to find something to eat. Chicken rice noodles (again) this time. Gilles hesitated at first when he observed the place and it was kinda like some dirty stall by the street. But we ate. Too hungry to go somewhere else. Funny thing is that everywhere, people are sitting low on small plastic chair and eat with small bowl or small plates.

At 11.30 pm, I was already in the bed.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Mekong

This morning I did a really big sacrifice.. I woke up at 5.30 to see the monk procession..

It's morning procession by the little monks in the city to collect food from residents. They carry a little bowl and people, kneeling by the streets where they pass, would just put the offerings in. Rice, candy, cakes, everything but money. Really nice thing to see though, and it has such a vibe of devotion from the buddhist.

Then I headed to the market while waiting for the friends from yesterday to show up as we had some plan to cross the Mekong and take a stroll to the wats.

Here in the market, I saw all the things I was curious about... Frogs (normal sight back home), birds (hmm...), bats (!!!!!!!!!!!!!), worms (big and small...........), dead squirrel (so sad..), screwed live crickets..*check to photos*. However in general, it was such an interesting market to see..

Across the river Mekong (by boat 5000kips each), we just strolled down the road and enjoyed the tranquility of the place. Visited some wats and the wat inside a cave was a really spooky place. High humidity inside, we descended to the darkness of the cave. Some places had these "buddha" images/wood statue".. Another wat was the Wat Chom Pek in a spot quite high where from the above you could see the whole city of Luang Prabang and along with the Mekong view.. Just hypnotizingly beautiful...

We headed back to Luang Prabang afterward and after a little refreshment (fresh lemon juice, niceee..) and papaya salad, we went and continue our own programs.. Allison and I took a short walk to the Wat Xieng Thong, THE Wat of Luang Prabang. Actually it is really beautiful, I mean striking beauty of glass mozaics, wall painting, etc..
After re-confirming my flight out for tomorrow, I went to the boatmen by the Mekong, Mr. Kamphong. Actually I promised to go with him to the Pak Ou Cave yesterday but I didn't make it since we took the trekking. I met him earlier today and just couldn't break my promise anymore. So, here I go, alone with the captain of the boat to the Pak Ou Cave ($20).. We left at around 2.30 which was a good time actually.
Fell asleep for the first part of journey, I soon was be able to regain my strength. Mr. Kamphong actually taught me some Lao words, it was fun, really, during the journey. A part from that, the view and the journey itself was sooo nice and it was just awakening your senses...

So the 2 hours passed and there we arrived at the cave.Pak Ou Cave is, well, a cave. The attraction is that it housed many, like more than 4000, statues of different sizes of Buddha. Practically, all the people of Luang praband and vicinity are buddhist. And when they decided to change the Buddha statue in their house, to a new one maybe, they would put the old statue in this cave. This tradition dated back quite a long time ago, though.

The site has 2 cave, upper and lower. The lower cave has more statues than the upper one. While I was taking the stairs (and a lot of stairs, mind you), it rained, rained.. So sad...

OK, after like 15 minutes waiting up there accompanied by an old man who guarded the cave, I decided to walk through the rain and to the boat...
After like 15 minutes of boat ride, it was shiny, bright and nice sunset was coming along ahahahaha... poor me..
Anyway, Mr Kamphong even let me to guide the boat. Quite frightening at first but then it was OK. We arrived and I went back to the guesthouse to take a shower.. Now I remember that that's the first shower of the day. I didn't take one this morning!!!!...

It's dark again in Luang Prabang and tomorrow I'm leaving. Going to get something to eat now. Decent and good food. Tomorrow I'll go for the rice noodle soup for breakfast :-)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Trekking - Tat Se waterfall

Today it's the adventures day..
I signed up for a $20 1 full day trekking, going to the Tat Se waterfall. Luang Prabang has another more touristy waterfall, though, but I decided to take something a bit differently. So it's a 1.5 hours trekking into the jungle, ups and downs, making a stop at the Khamu Tribe Village. It was a really interesting tribe.. People are very welcome with sincere smiles..

It's on the 400m above the sea level and it's completely secluded.. It resembles a lot of those villages in remote places in Indonesia in flores or sulawesi something..

Then the trip continues to our prime destinations, the waterfall..
It's a multi tiers waterfall type not the high water splash whatsoever. But I managed to jump of a cliff (not too high though), and the water is quite deep, around 2-3m.. really cool.. I mean literally cold water..

The last part of the trekking was the elephant ride. The other couple took the ride but I didn't.. Elephants, being so close to it, are quite sensitive, sweet, and they understand what's going around them..
Anyway the view along the way was just beautiful. But come to think about it, actually the scenery is pretty the same in south east asia. Very beautiful.. It rained a bit in the morning but then it stopped and turned out to be a clear day..
The group consisted of 4 persons, me and 3 americans with 1 guide, Thon Di from White Elephant Tours. He's really nice and cool. Overall, it was a enjoyable, fun trip. We combined tuk-tuk, walking (for most part), and boat ride.. We are satisfied with the trip, a lot..

For dinner, I went again to the night food market. Better food and cheaper than eating in the restaurants..